View on Rugby School

Rugby School is one of the oldest and most famous schools in England. Founded in 1567 during the reign of Elizabeth I, the school cherishes within its walls the history of the whole period of its existence. In 1750 it moved to the old building with a large territory, beautiful gardens, playing fields on 80 acres that Rugby School occupies to this day. In the XIX century the school was booming, there were new buildings form a unique architectural ensemble of Rugby. At the same time here there are sacred secular academic traditions.
Rugby School gave is known for command-ball game - rugby. Reliable information about the origin of this game does not exist. Widespread story about how the April 7, 1823 Rugby School student named William Webb Ellis "defying the rules, picked up the ball and began to run." Since that time considered to be the founder of the William Webb Ellis Rugby. For a long time it was the opinion of Rugby School was considered decisive in the resolution of disputes about the rules of the game. Only in 1871, after the creation of Rugby Union, Rugby released a set of rules based, for the most part, on the rules of the game adopted at Rugby School.
Rugby School was famous for its graduates and achievements in the field of education. This school was finished by the British Prime Minister Lord King and Lord Lang, actor Robert Hardy and Frances Hunt, novelist Salmon Rushdie and Lewis Carroll, the author of "Alice in Wonderland". Other graduates Rugby perpetuated the memory of himself, carved his name and the year of issue on the oak chairs in the meeting room. The commitment and love for the traditional college for the old boys from Rugby, they never forget their school and regularly come to meetings with current students. The school is in correspondence with their old boys and proud of their achievements. The Board of Trustees shall establish and award scholarships to current students.
The name of the school is taking the small historic town of Rugby, in the heart of England. From here you can easily reach the famous Stratford-upon-Avon, birthplace of William Shakespeare, nearby there is a beautiful medieval castle Warwick Castle and the historic university city of Oxford and Cambridge. Depending on the arrival date you will have the opportunity to visit some of these places during guided tours.
About the Author: Luc Rocket is a student. He is from NY.

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